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Monday, December 6, 2010

Gnawing on the Big Apple!!

It was quite weird.!
Traditional excitement was replaced by extreme sickness-homesickness.
From Achtung New York to can I get over it please?
Thats how I can describe my first few days in the Big Apple that is New York.

MumbaiTracing back to the first few days before my arrival, the conventional excitement had swept in, the shopping, the last few minute catching up business, the hurried conversations with everyone on your contact list.
Your chachas, your mamis...everyone calling in .........
Colloquially, "Monne nee ameeereeeka pogu aano da"(Son, are you leaving for America?)

But isnt it kinda weird that they always seem to like you more when you leave your country.Shouldnt they like you when you are in town ;)
Irony of Life, I say.

Moving on, the excitement soon gave way to apprehension, coz i suddenly realised what I was into. 3 months, in a city where people thrive on being independepent, self-reliant and organized and me- the only thing i did independently was probably wash my derriere(i have to make few such statements, makes me happy).

I soon started missing my friends while I was still with them.Showered affection like never-before on ma parents, believe me they started wondering !where was the love?! for the past 23 years!

But nonetheless, I had to leave afterall they had invested and I couldn't chicken out now.Days trickled.

At the Airport.
My friends came to see me off.And it was a nice feeling, especially with all the hugging, we never had hugged this much and in general we do hug a lot ;)(buddy love)
Once in the airport,bid adieu to them, i trudged towards the gates, I uttered 'kaunsa terminal hai dekhna?'(check which terminal is it?)


Reality dawned.There was no one there,

I was on an international trip all alone,away from everything I have been associated with for the past 23 years.And it was only gonna get interesting.

It took just 10 hrs and it had started getting interesting already!.I had lost my phone.
My mom was right i can never take care of things.
And her warning sounded in my head.
"Dont expect a single penny from me, after you reach there, all you have is what i have been given"
Now forget the simcard, ill have to buy an entire phone.
Not easy considering the conversion rates
1dollar= 50 rupees!
[to be continued]